Artwork Wednesday?


So that title literally has no flow to it. It might be due to the fact that it is Wednesday and the last day off I had was Friday, and I still have another day of work this week. Tomorrow. So you'll have to excuse the lack of creative title. I thought I'd share some of my strange drawings that I've done recently. They are just quick little drawings with pencil and then coloured in with crappy pencil crayons purchased at Walmart because, you know, being poor sucks. I was just inspired by my own polka dot tights, and how they may be a little childish, and thus these kind of weird baby-ish looking cartoon girls with giant heads were born. The Rainbow one kind of has an alienesque look to her. Also, I forgot to give her ears, and therefore she is an alien. I have only just decided that now, as I am writing this. I should have given her skin an eerie green glow. Oh well. Also, please do not ask why the girl with the fire hair is sad. She will not tell you. Lastly, I think they need names...Hmmm....

 Here they are: